
To Think About

Less is more. Unless you're standing next to the one with more. Then less just looks pathetic.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aku Ingin Pulang

aku ingin pulang...

Aku lelah... Tak tahan lagi

ku benci semua yang ada di sekelilingku
termasuk diriku

Kenapa semua harus terjadi padaku?
Tak bisakah aku dapati kehidupan lain
Di mana aku tidak harus gagal dalam segala hal

aku tak tahan lagi...

Tak bisakah kau bawa aku pulang?
Ke pelukmu
Di mana tak ada lagi tangis
Tak ada lagi pedih

Aku tak tahan lagi
Tolong, bawa aku pulang
Ke tidur abadi, nyenyak tanpa mimpi
Tanpa ada lagi satu pun yang dapat membangungunkan ku kembali
Di mana aku dapat melepas semua - cinta, sahabat, hidup

Aku ingin pulang

February 16, 2007

Tirza Magdiel

I wrote this poem a year and a half ago. I was clearly very homesick and pretty drained, exactly how I'm feeling right now. I'll go into how I'm feeling later on. I should probably provide an understandable translation for this poem in a language you all understand. Disclaimer: since it's translated it won't be as pretty sounding as it would be in Indonesian, but at least you get the gist of it.

I Want to go Home

I want to go home...

I'm tired... I can't stand it anymore

I hate everything that's around me
including myself

Why are all these things happening to me?
Can't I have another life
Where I don't have to fail at everything

I can't stand this anymore...

Can't you just bring me home?
To your embrace
Where tears no longer exist
Where there's no pain

I can't stand it anymore
Please, take me home
To the eternal slumber, peaceful without dreams
Where no one could wake me
Where I can let go of everything - love, friendship, life

I want to go home

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I love my iPhone

I'm actually writing this blog to test out whether or not this mobile
blogging thing is working. So like about two weeks ago-ish, I got my
iPhone. It's just so convenient coz I get to do much more than just
phone-ing.... And I get to blog too!
I did consider getting a Palm Centro, but I really wanted an iPhone.
So I stuck with the iPhone... For now, I'm quite satisfied. I'm kind
of wondering though if iPhones are any good to use back in Indonesia.
Will one be able to get full use of all the features? Coz, here, I use
AT&T to begin with, so it just works well...

Tirza Magdiel
(206) 724-8222

Sent from my iPhone