After church today, my roommates turned Beauty and the Beast on. Of course, I was compelled to sit and watch with them. I think this time, though, I saw the movie through a different set of glasses. The following observations I gleaned from today's viewing of the movie does not, however, change my feelings about the movie. Just to let you know in advance.
Observation #1:
It pains me to think that there are people like Gaston in the world, people that are too disillusioned with who they think they are that they live their lives in a dream world... and then they force people to succumb to that world and its rules. Honestly, if I see a guy as absurd as Gaston, I would punch his face. A quick note for all the boys out there: don't propose and prepare a wedding on the same day. She might say no. And, if she's me, she might punch your face.
Observation #2:
A lot of times, girls get caught up in the dream of living in a world where magic, prince charmings, and fairy godmothers roam around free. I'm not doubting that if Belle had chosen a different path, to not be so taken by the enchanted castle, she would have found herself living a different life. Looking at her strong will, that alternate future probably won't involve a Gaston, but it wouldn't involve a cursed prince and an enchanted castle too. I think every little girl fall into that bottomless pit. We are all told to dream and wait for the perfect man to come. Pretty much the embodiment of Snow White's song, "Someday My Prince will come." I think it's unfair for the men in our lives when they have to live up to the expectations of the perfect Prince Charming who will give us magic, romance, and adventure. That's a pretty hard job to accomplish.
Observation #3:
I feel that Beauty and the Beast can be a tad bit misleading at times, especially for the ladies out there. I'm afraid that too many girls watch the movie and leave thinking that they'll be able to turn the beast into a gorgeous man or take any gross frog and kiss him into a prince. So the girl grows up and meets a man that isn't perfect. The man is pretty much like Beast - arrogant, temperamental, and rude. But subconsciously, she has always clung to the notion that she will be able to change him. Therefore she will be determined to tame the wild. Then... after she has successfully tamed him into the perfect husband, she'll wonder where the wild, adventurous "beast" she fell in love with went. Ironic, huh? This whole train of thought started from the scene where Beast was transformed back to a man. Honestly, I think that Beast looked better as a beast than as a man. Although some would say that he's the exact same person and that it shouldn't make a difference, it will be different. He views himself differently, and she doesn't see the beast she fell in love with. Of course it's different.
Oh my. It's funny how these random thoughts come into my head.
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